Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Scenario Buliding

People in our country have been divided on basis of various premise. Region of origin leading to somebody being Madrasi or Bangali or Punjabi etc. Other favourite wway of classifying human beings is religion:Parsi baba, Muslim, Hindus, Sardar, Isaai..

Muslims are a majority amongst minorities and are projected as threat to India as their loyalties are expected to be with Pakistan. Hubli, Hyderabad and Kashmir are examples that are quoted as celebrating when Pakistan wins a cricket match against India..While these example are true, they are not representative of the whole population which follows Islam.

Recently, I overheard a conversation which was about a concern of that gentleman that the way Muslim population is growing, a day will come when in India there will be more Muslims than Hindus and then India will be another Islamic state and Hindus will be forced out of their country..

This called for action of the part of the affected to prevent that to happen..

Thankfully, better sense prevails and such scenarios build ups are ignored..

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